When Your Neighbor’s Pest Problem Becomes Your Own

Country Boy Pest Control

How To Get Rid of Roaches (and Other Pests) Coming From Neighbors

apartment building

Neighbors can be a great thing. Often, some of your best memories in your home involve your neighbors, whether it's holiday picnics or time chatting on the back porch, or a friendship that extends far beyond your side-by-side properties. However, if your neighbor situation isn't quite as sunny, it can be difficult to manage when a problem arises that must be dealt with on all fronts. One of these problems is an infestation.

Pest infestation is an unpleasant experience for anyone involved, but when your home isn't the source of the problem yet you are reaping the unfortunate effects, it's made even worse. Having your home overtaken due to your neighbor's lack of pest management puts you in a difficult spot.

Here are some ways you can handle this situation if it happens to you:

Start From the Inside, Out.

Deal with your own home first, as pests within your own environment pose the most risk to you and your family. Call an exterminator, have traps set and/or pest treatments administered, and make sure your own living space is clean and clear of critters before you move forward with eliminating the source of the issue.

Try an Indirect Approach First.

If you are in a rental unit such as an apartment, a condo, or even a rented home, you usually have recourse with your landlord and/or property management contact. They are the ones who get the "dirty work" of taking care of the pest management problem, including the discussion with your neighbor which is most definitely an uncomfortable scenario you'd probably prefer to avoid.

Even if you own your home, some homeowners associations offer this same type of setup, where you can call them about the problem, and they take care of talking to the neighbors involved.

Sometimes Facing It Head-On Is the Best (or Only) Way Out.

If you don't have any type of property manager or supervisor to call, it falls on you. It's a must that you talk to your neighbor and get to the root of the pest problem, regardless of how uncomfortable the topic may be. You might be surprised that they are just as frustrated as you are, and just can't figure out how to get rid of the issue, or can't afford the treatments on their own.

If that's the case, it could be worth talking through it and working together to come up with a solution that gets rid of the pests without overextending either of your budgets. If your neighbor refuses to cooperate, as a last resort, you do have the right to contact Animal Control or local authorities to have the problem taken care of if it's posting a risk to others in your area (like you and your family).

Call Country Boy Pest Control Today

Central Florida residents in and around the Polk County area know they can trust Country Boy Pest Control to provide everything needed to keep their homes and business free of pests and looking their best. We offer everything from rodent control and removal, and roach control, to lawn services and mosquito control.

We can give you (and your neighbor) an on-the-spot estimate so you both know what to expect, and we'll work with you to customize a plan that leaves everyone satisfied and ready to move on. Give us a call or contact us online and see how we can help!

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